Is your code your commentary? »
I added markdown parsing to the comment system.
This is a flexible formatting system that allows people to format their comments without giving full HTML access.
Some basic usage tips:
# Creates a headline:
#HeadLine Text
Enclosing text in ** will make the text bold.
**Bold Text**
Enclosing text in * will make the text italic.
*Italic Text*
To paste code, simply increment each line by 4 spaces.
This is a code block
Each line needs to be incremented 4 spaces.
To create a hyperlink use the following syntax:
[Description Of Link](Url to Link)
If you need to use a markdown character in a sentence and want markdown to ignore it, escape it with a \.
I don't want \*this\* text to be italic.
I just thought I'd post this up so I have a permanent link to point people to for Markdown directions.
Posted by Jonathan Holland on 2/1/2009.
Tags: Tips-and-Tricks Markdown