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The best tool for the job is?

I ran across an interesting conversation on today:

People seriously needs to stop equating the lackings of MySQL with lackings of real database systems.
But 'people' have reasons not to buy 'real' database systems; personally I don't care about the cost, but I do not want to work, get close to, manage or support anything that has to do with proprietary software. So I cannot buy one of these real systems. Most people do not want to spend the money on them. Different reasons; same result; MySQL is used the most as it is everywhere, free and opensource. So,for most people MySQL == databases. Not so for me, but I see where people are coming from.

The money quote is in bold.

This particular person is justifying his elaborate scheme of hacks to avoid the poor performance of mySQL with his refusal to use a known better tool....Not because of cost... but because of his religious dogma.

It concerns me that there are people in this industry this zealous. It is not good for the industry as a whole.

Posted by Jonathan Holland on 3/1/2009.

Tags: OpenSource   mySQL   Idealogy   Dogma


Your point is completely understandable, but there are non-zealous reasons to choose open-source software. Obviously this guy is letting his narrow minded zealotry get in the way. PostgreSQL should be the obvious choice for him and everyone, but he can't see it. He probably only knows PHP.

Postgres is awesome. (Did you have another database in mind?)

Gravatar Posted by Derrick on 3/1/2009.

I've actually worked with many developers (and even managers) who were this zealous. I never quite understood it. For instance: they curse everything Microsoft, not because of specific lack of quality, but simply because it is an extremely profitable software corporation.

I use both proprietary and open source products daily, and each has their purpose.

Gravatar Posted by Josh on 3/9/2009.

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