There are a few people in the intertubes that annoy me, and Obie Fernandez is one of them. Maybe its the fact that he has a suave and stylish photo of himself on his blog, while I have a picture of my rotund face squinting...I guess only the macbook and ruby using Geeks get to be good looking.
But I'm off on a tangent.... I really only wanted to point out a silly product Obie's company (HashRocket) offers:
3-2-1 Launch
The concept is simple, he claims that he can build any custom product in three days...literally, the subtext on the site says "Your idea, implemented in 3 days. No Joke".
Now, knowing Rails users, this means he will make you a custom blog or CMS in 3 days (Looking at the testimonials, the only site that isn't this is BarbodosLand), but that isn't important...The funny part is this:
3-2-1 Launch is aimed toward clients who want a well-built, 1.0 version of their website in a very brief amount of time. During a week of planning we'll help you boil down your requirements to a "minimum viable product". Then we build an initial release of your software in three days, and schedule two additional weeks of refinement and bug fixing. Important conditions apply, which affect the suitability of your project for execution as a 3-2-1 Launch.
To translate:
- We will charge you for 7 days of requirements gathering, and then because this is 3-2-1 launch, we will throw out everything beyond a blog or CMS.
- Then we will charge you for 3 days to build the blog/CMS.
- But it will be buggy, so we will charge you for 14 more days to fix it.
Ok, so its actually 24 days Launch!
Obie is a good marketer, I will give him that.
Posted by Jonathan Holland on 4/5/2009.
Tags: RoR Internets-Serious-Business